
It is already 110 years since Jeungsan Sangjenim came to this world in a human body and then went back to the Heavens. Now the world is progressing toward an era of new order of Sangsaeng (mutual life-bettering and life-saving) through the wave of Gaebyeok as Sangjenim proclaimed. Now is the time to heal the maladies of the past epoch and for the “paradigm” of a new era to be established.

Jeung San Do, inheriting the time spirit of Autumn Gaebyeok culture embraced by the three million followers of the Eastern Learning (Donghak 東學) and the seven million Sangjenim believers of Bocheongyo(普天敎), holds its final mission to establishLater Heaven’s Immortal Culture on this earth.

In the 1980s, with the third stage of the dao affairs, Jeung San Do swept the university campuses with the “fever” of Gaebyeok and the research into the truth of Sangjenim came to be an universal culture. In early 1990s, as a fruit of the hundred-year Dao history of Jeung San Do, the original scripture of truth, the Jeung San Do Dojeon , the basis of the Autumn civilization of the 50,000-year Later Heaven, was published. With the publication of the Dojeon, the new cultural paradigm to overcome all the apocalyptic situations of humanity including environmental disasters, pandemics, social crises of civilizations, and many other have been set.

The conclusion of the truth of Jeung San Do is the opening of Later Heaven’s Immortal Paradise. The Immortal Culture of the Later Heaven is the new culture of Sangsaeng. In other words, it is a culture serving the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, Sangje, becoming one with body of the Great Radiance of Heaven and Earth, the Holy Spirit of Creative Change, and living harmoniously with the life of universe. Life in Later Heaven’s Immortal Paradise is enjoying the longevity of eternal life, the life where one’s body and mind is transformed and reborn as an immortal of Taeeul (the Ultimate One) under the order of balanced yin and yang of Heaven and Earth.

Jeung San Do and Donghak stands at the starting line of restoring the very archetype of immortal culture prospered in the Golden Age of human civilization. Nowadays, a pandemic brought on by the COVID-19 shows the fundamental limits of human civilization. Therefore, we should create a new world of Sangsaeng overcoming the Early Heaven’s world of Sanggeuk (mutual conflict and domination). New moral values of humanity as well as lifestyle and goal of human life overcoming the diseased Early Heaven civilization is truly the Immortal Culture of the Later Heaven. Through this Later Heaven’s Immortality, a new paradigm opens up and revolutionizes the diseased nature and civilization and humanity. Current Humanity’s missionis to recover the true nature of immortality that was the archetypal culture at the dawn of the human civilization. Recovering the collapsed and discarded root of immortality is the mission of Jeung San Do in this epoch and the way to fulfill the teachings of Sangjenim.

Sangjenim said the current generation is the age of seeking out the beginning and returning to the root. Hitherto, human civilization has matured and progressed knowing no limit under the order of Sanggeuk (mutual conflict and domination) of the Early Heaven. As the scientific materialistic view dominated matters, unfortunately, spirituality and the ways of the spirit that opened the Golden Age, the dawn of human civilization lost their radiance. Nature, civilization, and humanity lost their roots. Perils caused by the modern materialistic civilization is evident everywhere. Left alone, there will only be disintegration. Now following the ways of the seeking out the beginning and returning to the origination, we must return to the root of life, the archetype of immortality.

The Sangsaeng Cultural Research Institute was established with the mission to diagnose the crises of this epoch and deliver the Gaebyeok messagebased on the truth of Sangjenim and still more, to research the new civilization, the new era of the Later Heaven. And it is already more than twenty years since it has devoted itself to this work, convinced that it is a heavenly mandate. The world is changing even more rapidly. Accordingly, the Gaebyeok, as an undeniable reality, is onrushing like a tsunami. Sangjenim said, “Those aware of the grand tides of the world possess the qi of life.

Those ignorant of the grand tides of the world possess the qi of death.” Only the ones who recognize the basis of changing universe can receive the spirit of life. The Autumn Gaebyeok of the Universe and providence of deliverance will be revealed as the road to the eternal life, only to those who believe and actively seek the path. I sincerely hope Sangsaeng Cultural Research Institute to become a great research hub delivering the true reality of the Gaebyeok through Sangjenim’s Supreme Dao of Mugeuk.

Ahn Gyeong-jeon
Chairman of Jeung San Do
Sangsaeng Cultural Research Institute
March 25, 2021